We are all leaders.

True leaders are always improving.  Effective communication and decision making can drastically improve our lives and the lives of those around us. Are you ready to make an impact?


Leadership makes an impact.

You’ve seen effective groups and organizations, and those lacking direction.  You’ve known good leaders, and you’ve seen the result of leadership that could use improvement. Our behavior in the workplace can significantly enhance, or hinder, the lives of our employees, peers, or supervisors.



Being a great leader is just as much about managing our own selves as it is about impacting others. Improve the communication, morale, and culture of your team with our custom presentations, workshops, and seminars.




How do I measure a leader? There are two non-negotiables. One - they must have a great head. Two - they must have a great heart. When IQ and EQ (Emotional intelligence) are married together - you have a great leader. Jon Weirauch checks both of these boxes. He teaches and lives great leadership principles. He is a ‘go to’ person for many leaders across the country. He gets my highest endorsement.

Rick Olson - Rick Olson Seminars


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